Who Is Tori?

I am Tori Hogan - a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach from Sweden. I moved to the U.S. for college in 2014 and have lived here ever since. I have worked as a trainer since the beginning of 2020 and have worked both in person with clients and online throughout the years. My clientele has been both men and women, from 9 years old to 93 years old, and everything in between, which means I have helped clients reach many different types of results.

My main goal is to help people achieve their results and improve their quality of life, whether that is to lose weight, gain strength, or perhaps improve mobility to perform daily activities. This course is for those of you who are looking to learn some strength training basics and get started with resistance training.


  • ACE Personal Trainer Certification
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Coach
  • Stick Mobility, Animal flow, Spinning, TRX, Myofascial Release specializations

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